Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

Yes, you read right, today is wonderful. I am not sure why it is better than any other day but I am feeling good!

I know I am alive because I have muscles hurting that I forgot existed thanks to the weights class I did on Monday. So I am definitely keeping my New Years goals in sight I am working on getting fitter and I am generally happier and appreciating what I have. So far, so good.

There is lots happening in my life with new projects that are also in line with my goals. I am full of enthusiasm and excitement and I am really looking forward to the new adventures that this year will bring. Isn't that a great reason to be having a wonderful Wednesday?

Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments on my last post and for your best wishes and prayers. It is so great to have your support and friendship!

How are you going with your New Years goals/resolutions so far?

Have a great day


PS. The images have nothing to do with what I wrote but the new Rue Magazine is out and I had a quick look these were my favourites.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year, New Me!

Ha, just kidding, 

I kinda like the old me but I do have a new haircut!

A new year is a great time to look back over the year that has been and reflect on your life, what was great, what was bad, the tough stuff, the fun stuff and what you are going to change in the coming year.

For us 2011 was a year full of highs and lows, we had some great things happen and we had some really tough times, but you know what? That's life! Even though we had some really sad events throughout the year we are still really thankful for the year we had. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to repeat any of the tough stuff that happened but when you live through hard stuff,

 you grow 

and you learn

 and that, 

is a good thing!

I am still sad, 

sad that we lost two babies last year & sad that we aren't expecting a new baby. 

It was/still is sometimes, hard to see other families happily expecting or enjoying their babies. What I pray is, that no matter how hard it is for me or how sad I am that we don't have a baby, I can still be happy for others and that I don't become bitter and mean.

Now - moving on to 2012, 

What we are praying for this year.... 

well just in case you didn't guess, we are praying for a healthy baby or two (twins would be just fine). 

I would love to be .....

  • healthier
  • fitter
  • thinner (hopefully this just happen if I achieve the first two)
  • happier

Happier is a big one for me, this is all about my attitude. Sometimes my attitude stinks! Only I can change this, so this year I am going to keep working on it. Yes that's right working on it. You see, like most things it doesn't just happen, you have to work at it all the time, so I am going to keep working on it. This includes thinking hard about the future, what do I want to be doing in five years time? What makes me unhappy and leaves me uninspired? How can I change that?

I would dearly love to have babies and stay at home, being a full time mum, but at this point in time it is not happening so I can't live just for that, I need to make some changes in my life to make sure I enjoy it every day, not  just living for the future. 

I can be a lot happier with a serious attitude re-adjustment, really sometimes it is as simple as listing all the great people and things in my life and BAM! I feel much better. 

There are other areas in my life that I need to change, one of those has been work, I have been seriously thinking about what I would like to do for a living, do I like what I do?, what will make it better? do I need a change? Stay tuned I will let you know when I work it out. Until then I will aim to:

  • Make sure I look after ME (rest, take time out, say No occasionally)
  • Keep going to the gym (I joined late last year)
  • Lose weight (this will just happen when I am  healthier and fitter, won't it?)
  • Enjoy 2012, each and every day I will look for the good stuff and I will be thankful for it.

Thank you 

Thanks for being with me this last year, your comments and visits really helped me get through. I have made some really wonderful friends through blogging, something I never expected and something I am so very grateful for.

I wish you all an exceptionally marvellous 2012!

I am looking forward to sharing it with you.
